“Metric tonne” of date rape drug was bound for US

Friday, June 2, 2006

Scottish police have arrested a man and a woman after finding Britain’s largest ever stash of Gamma-butyrolactone. The man in charge of the operation, Graeme Pearson, director of the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency, called the find “the most significant discovery of the drug in the UK.”

Denise Caron MacPherson, 45, and Hanan Rabin, 53, have been charged with exporting the drug, also known as GHB, to the United States between 19 April and 24 May. The news of the Scottish factory comes as a US study found drug use was involved in two-thirds of sex attacks, while 5 per cent were given an actual “date rape” drug.

Graham Rhodes for The Roofie Foundation, a helpline for victims of drug rape, said: “I am very relieved this has been recovered as in the wrong hands it is very dangerous. Not only is it used to spike the drinks of people to rape them but it’s also used to assault and rob people.”

Used by ravers, robbers and bodybuilders, the base chemical (gamma-hydroxybutyrate) was taken during a raid on a house and business in West Lothian. The haul would have been put on the United States illicit drug market and sold for fun and more sinister purposes.

In its non-powder form GHB is barely detectable: clear and having no smell it can be particularly potent with a few drops mixed into an alcoholic drink. Once a sufficient amount of the salty liquid has been ingested the victim can be knocked out within an hour.

While GHB is known both as “liquid ecstasy” and the date rapist’s “Plan A”, the versatile compound is also used by body builders instead of anabolic steroids, by dieters and as a sleeping aid.

In Britain, GHB is a “Class C” drug which means making it, holding it and selling it is punishable with up to two years in prison. The effects of rape, for which the drug is reportedly used, can last a lifetime. Jane Cumming, from support group Crisis, said she received an average of 4 calls a week from people claiming to be victims of date rape.

The pair, who were caught in Livingston, were accused of distributing the drug in Scotland from MacPherson’s house around the same time as they were exporting to the United States, while MacPherson was also charged with Cannabis possession.

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Keep Your Hvac Or A/C Running Great With Evaporator Coil Services

byAlma Abell

People spend a lot of money heating and cooling their homes. They employ a variety of products in these efforts, but one of the most common are central heating and cooling appliances also known as HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems. This appliance consists of an external cabinet that houses the condenser system and an internal cabinet which holds the furnace, blower and A/C evaporator coil. The evaporator coil is located inside the unit’s air exchange, which means all of the air that flows through the system goes through the coil. Because of this, the evaporator coil can collect a lot of dirt and grime over the years. In many cases, it can be tough to clean properly.

A dirty or damaged evaporator coil can cause a number of problems. Some of the most obvious include poor airflow and frozen spots on the coil. A frozen coil can lead to even worse problems, such as a rupture and loss of refrigerant. Once the refrigerant is gone, the condenser is in danger because the A/C refrigerant carries the lubricant that the condenser needs for proper operation. Thankfully, Evaporator Coil Services can eliminate many of these concerns by cleaning or replacing your HVAC or A/C evaporator coil. The cleaning process begins by removing any existing refrigerant. Once this step is finished, the technician can remove the coil and prepare it for cleaning. The primary cleaning method is an acid bath which strips all the grime from the metal.

While the evaporator coil is being cleaned, the technician can examine it for signs of stress or damage. Repeated freezing is rough on the metal. When large areas are frozen, it can restrict the flow of coolant, which puts severe strain on the condenser. However, the worst problems associated with coil freezing occurs when owners try to remedy the situations by themselves. Attempting to remove the ice by chipping it away, or with the use of hot water, can ruin an evaporator coil. If you are experiencing problems with your cooling system, and believe you need Evaporator Coil Services, be sure to contact a professional like M.A. Williams Inc. Drain Cleaning & Plumbing on Facebook or Google+.

Scientology protest group celebrates founder’s birthday worldwide

 Correction — March 19, 2008 The next protest is scheduled for April 12, 2008. The article below states April 18 which is incorrect. 

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Internet group Anonymous today held further protests critical of the Church of Scientology.

The global protests started in Australia where several hundred protesters gathered at different locations for peaceful protests.

In a global speech, the Internet protest movement said Scientology “betrayed the trust of its members, [had] taken their money, their rights, and at times their very lives.” The protesters welcomed the public interest their protests have led to, and claimed they witnessed “an unprecedented flood of Scientologists [joining] us across the world to testify about these abuses.” The group said it would continue with monthly actions.

In a press statement from its European headquarters, Scientology accused the anonymous protesters of “hate speech and hate crimes”, alleging that security measures were necessary because of death threats and bomb threats. This also makes the Church want to “identify members” of the group it brands as “cyber-terrorists”.

Wikinews had correspondents in a number of protest locations to report on the events.

Anonymous states that the next protest is scheduled to take place on April 18, which happens to be the birthday of Suri, the daughter of Tom and Katie Cruise.

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Samoa looking ahead to Rio Paralympics with eye on powerlifting

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

London, England — In an interview with Samoa’s Chef de Mission at the London Paralympics, Julie Tuala said she hopes to get a powerlifting program under way in Samoa following the London Games.

The Samoa Paralympic Committee, she explained, with assistance from the Oceania Paralympic Committee is submitting a grant request to acquire the equipment necessary for a powerlifting program in Samoa; equipment costs around A$18,000 to A$20,000 used, and is specifically built for paraplegic competitors who need to be strapped down when lifting. If Samoa is successful in getting the money for the equipment, the next challenge will be finding money to cover the cost of freighting it to Samoa. Tuala and the nation’s athletics coach have previously held raffles, run events at a golf club, and run bake sales to assist in covering costs for developing disability sport in the country and look to do it again if they can get the grant. The last grant the International Paralympic Committee gave for the region for the equipment did not include Samoa.

According to Tuala, equipment costs are a major barrier to participation in the development of disability sport. Samoan London Paralympian Leitu Viliamu needs a new leg as she has outgrown hers. A high quality leg like the one worn by Oscar Pistorius can cost upwards of AUD$10,000 per leg. Viliamu and fellow Samoan Paralympian Milo Toleafoa only acquired real running shoes for the first time when they arrived in London.

Samoa has primarily sent athletics competitors to past Paralympics because of the cost factor.

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Biologist Nick Bos tells Wikinews about ‘self-medicating’ ants

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Nick Bos, of the University of Helsinki, studies “the amazing adaptations social insects have evolved in order to fight the extreme parasite pressure they experience”. In a recently-accepted Evolution paper Bos and colleagues describe ants appearing to self-medicate.

I have no doubt that as time goes on, there will be more and more cases documented

The team used Formica fusca, an ant species that can form thousand-strong colonies. This common black ant eats other insects, and also aphid honeydew. It often nests in tree stumps or under rocks and foraging workers can sometimes be spotted climbing trees.

Some ants were infected with Beauveria bassiana, a fungus. Infected ants chose food laced with toxic hydrogen peroxide, whereas healthy ants avoided it. Hydrogen peroxide reduced infected ant fatalities by 15%, and the ants varied their intake depending upon how high the peroxide concentration was.

In the wild, Formica fusca can encounter similar chemicals in aphids and dead ants. The Independent reported self-medicating ants a first among insects.

Bos obtained his doctorate from the University of Copenhagen. He began postdoctoral research at Helsinki in 2012. He also runs the AntyScience blog. The blog aims to help address “a gap between scientists and ‘the general public’.” The name is a pun referencing ants, its primary topic, science, and “non-scientific” jargon-free communication. He now discusses his work with Wikinews.

((Wikinews)) What first attracted you to researching ants?

Nick Bos Me and a studymate were keeping a lot of animals during our studies, from beetles, to butterflies and mantids, to ants. We had the ants in an observation nest, and I could just look at them for hours, watching them go about. This was in my third year of Biology study I think. After a while I needed to start thinking about an internship for my M.Sc. studies, and decided to write a couple of professors. I ended up going to the Centre for Social Evolution at the University of Copenhagen where I did a project on learning in Ants under supervision of Prof. Patrizia d’Ettorre. I liked it so much there I ended up doing a PhD and I’ve been working on social insects ever since.

((Wikinews)) What methods and equipment were used for this investigation?

NB This is a fun one. I try to work on a very low budget, and like to build most of the experimental setups myself (we actually have equipment in the lab nicknamed the ‘Nickinator’, ‘i-Nick’ and the ‘Nicktendo64’). There’s not that much money in fundamental science at the moment, so I try to cut the costs wherever possible. We collected wild colonies of Formica fusca by searching through old tree-trunks in old logging sites in southern Finland. We then housed the ants in nests I made using Y-tong [aerated concrete]. It’s very soft stone that you can easily carve. We carved out little squares for the ants to live in (covered with old CD covers to prevent them escaping!). We then drilled a tunnel to a pot (the foraging arena), where the ants got the choice between the food with medicine and the food without.
We infected the ants by preparing a solution of the fungus Beauveria bassiana. Afterwards, each ant was dipped in the solution for a couple of seconds, dried on a cloth and put in the nest. After exposing the ants to the fungus, we took pictures of each foraging arena three times per day, and counted how many ants were present on each food-source.
This gave us the data that ants choose more medicine after they have been infected.
The result that healthy ants die sooner when ingesting ROS [Reactive Oxygen Species, the group of chemicals that includes hydrogen peroxide] but infected ants die less was obtained in another way (as you have to ‘force feed’ the ROS, as healthy ants, when given the choice, ignore that food-source.)
For this we basically put colonies on a diet of either food with medicine or without for a while. And afterwards either infected them or not. Then for about two weeks we count every day how many ants died. This gives us the data to do a so-called survival analysis.
We measured the ROS-concentration in the bodies of ants after they ingested the food with the medicine using a spectrophotometer. By adding certain chemicals, the ROS can be measured using the emission of light of a certain wave-length.
The detrimental effect of ROS on spores was easy to measure. We mixed different concentrations of ROS with the spores, plated them out on petridishes with an agar-solution where fungus can grow on. A day after, we counted how many spores were still alive.

((Wikinews)) How reliable do you consider your results to be?

NB The results we got are very reliable. We had a lot of colonies containing a lot of ants, and wherever possible we conducted the experiment blind. This means the experimenter doesn’t know which ants belong to which treatment, so it’s impossible to influence the results with ‘observer bias’. However, of course this is proof in just one species. It is hard to extrapolate to other ants, as different species lead very different lives.
At the moment it seems that sick ants mostly take care of the problem themselves

((Wikinews)) Where did the ants and fungus you used come from? How common are they in the wild?

NB For ants, see above about the collection.
This species of fungus does appear in Finland, but we chose to use a different strain from Denmark (with thanks to Prof. J. Eilenberg and the laboratory technician Louise Lee Munch Larsen from the University of Copenhagen). Animals can adapt to local strains (‘local adaptation’), and just to make sure we thought it would be good to use a strain of fungus that the ants definitely did not evolve specific resistances against. This means that the reaction of the ants (to self-medicate) is very likely to be a general response, and not just against their local fungal enemies.

((Wikinews)) Are there any ethical considerations around exposing ants to toxins and parasites?

NB Legally, no. Insects do not have any ‘rights’ as such regarding ethics. That said, we do take measures to not make them ‘suffer unnecessarily’. For example, dissections are done when the ants are anesthetized (either by CO2 or Ice), and when ants need to be killed, we do it in alcohol, which kills the ants in a matter of seconds. So while the ants do not have ‘rights’ as such, we still try to handle them with as much respect as possible (even though the experiment involves infecting them with a deadly fungus).
But even though the 12,000 ants in our study sounds like a lot (and it is), this is negligible in the ‘grand scheme of things’. It has been calculated that in the Netherlands alone, nearly a trillion insects die against just the licence-plates of cars every six months. I don’t own a car, so that means I’m excused right? 😉

((Wikinews)) This is the first evidence for self-medicating insects. How widespread do you think this phenomenon could be in reality?

NB It’s not actually the first evidence for self-medication in insects. Moths and fruit flies definitely do it, and there’s evidence in honey bees and bumble-bees as well. So it seems to be quite wide-spread in the insect world. I have no doubt that as time goes on, there will be more and more cases documented. Insects (and animals in general) seem to be quite good at taking care of themselves.

((Wikinews)) How might ants locate healing substances in the wild?

NB Very good question. This is something that’s important to know. If they would only do it in the lab, the behaviour wouldn’t be very interesting. We have some guesses where they might get it from, but at the moment we don’t know yet. That said, I plan to investigate this question (among others) further [in] the next couple of years.

((Wikinews)) For your PhD you researched ants’ scent-based communications. Could healthy ants perhaps tell other ants are infected and encourage this behaviour?

NB There’s not much known about this. There’s conflicting evidence about whether sick ants actually smell different from healthy ones or not. At the moment it seems that sick ants mostly take care of the problem themselves. Sick ants stop most interaction with nestmates and especially brood, and leave the nest to die in isolation. This is probably for reducing chance of infecting nestmates, but of course it also reduces the work load of their nest-mates, as their corpse doesn’t have to be dragged out etc.
So as an answer to the question, I would find it unlikely that such a behaviour would evolve, but it’s not known yet.

((Wikinews)) Ants generally avoided the peroxide if they were healthy, but in some circumstances might they try to build resistance against infection in advance?

NB Who knows? Also not known yet unfortunately. That said, there is a very interesting study about resin collection in ants. Wood ants collect tree-resin, which has anti-microbial properties. They collect this even if not infected, and when you infect them, they don’t collect more of the resin than normal. So basically it seems like they collect it in order to keep diseases out of the nest, so they stop the disease before it can actually infect them.

((Wikinews)) Are there plans to follow this research up? Might you research other species? Other substances?

NB I first want to find out where they get it from in nature. There might be many sources of medicine (recent evidence suggests that tobacco plays a similar role for bumble bees). Dalial Freitak, who is also on this paper is currently running tests with Ph.D. student Siiri Fuchs (who is also on the paper) with other substances to see if any have the same effect as H2O2 [hydrogen peroxide].
Once the behaviour has been well described in this species of ant, I might do a comparison with other species. For example, once we find the source of the medicine in nature… would species without access to this source also have evolved the same behaviour in the lab? And if so… where would they get it from?
Also… can ants medicate their friends? 🙂

((Wikinews)) What other research are you working on right now?

NB Phew…lots! 🙂
I still have some questions left unanswered from my Ph.D. work related to how ants recognize who is a friend and who isn’t. I also started collaborating with Prof. Michael Poulsen from the University of Copenhagen on immunity in fungus-growing termites, as well as their chemical recognition abilities. Furthermore we’re working on social parasitism in wood-ants (ants have lots of animals exploiting the nest for shelter and resources, which all somehow have to get in to the fortress without getting killed).
Science and Technology
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Tips For Choosing What Health Plan Is Best For You}

Submitted by: Brent McNutt

Choosing the best health plan for you may be quite confusing. These days, there are different types of health care financing that have developed. This article will help you understand each type so that you can choose what deal is best for you and your family. You would not want to pay cheaper prices for plans, but spend more extra money in the end because the coverage is small or worse, pay more money and end up shelling out extra money as well. There are three types of group plans that are popular today.

First is the health maintenance organization. It is a group health care organization which highly emphasizes in the promotion of health and prevention of illness or disease. You only pay a fee which is set without taking into account how much or what kind of services is being provided. Health maintenance organizations have their own set of physicians, nurses and facilities which you can use. If you prefer to use the services of doctors and facilities that are not affiliated with this organization, it will not shoulder your expenses. However, if you decide that you approve of their doctors and facilities, you can choose an HMO. This type will allow you to have reduced costs for health care.

The second type is preferred provider organizations. In this type, a group of physicians and hospitals can offer you and your insurance company discounted prices for health care services. If you choose to submit yourself for treatment into another hospital, this type will let you pay more because the organization will not shoulder anything that is not done in one of their affiliating agencies. The advantage of choosing this type is the freedom to choose among the list of preferred providers that they can give you. However, compared to an HMO, this type of plan is more expensive.

The third type is the independent practice associations. If you choose this type of plan, you will have to pay the IPA with a fixed amount of fee that will cover a period of time and the IPA will be the one to pay the health care provider which you chose. If your health care provider bills more than the fixed amount you pay the IPA, the IPA is the one who will shoulder the additional costs.

Since most of the plans have their own list of physicians, nurses and facilities, it is important that you also take these into consideration. You have to choose a type which will let you avail of the health care services of people you personally trust. Before signing yourself in, check if the affiliated agencies and workers are with licenses and are properly trained. You and your familys health are very important so do not make rushed decisions regarding this one. If you are going to shell out money, make sure that you indeed get what you and your family needs. You do not want to end up signing for a plan that will be more of a disadvantage rather than a benefit in the end.

About the Author: Brent McNutt enjoys writing for Uniformhaven.com which sells

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Astronaut Steve MacLean talks with Canadian PM over phone

Friday, September 15, 2006

The Canadian PM Stephen Harper spoke with astronaut Steve MacLean over the phone yesterday from Ottawa. MacLean was on the STS-115 (space shuttle Atlantis). He is also the second Canadian to walk in space.

Harper congratulated MacLean and asked him questions, including one from Harper’s son, Ben. The question was: “What time do the astronauts go to bed?” “On our mission, with where the sun is, we have 55 minutes of daylight followed by 75 minutes of darkness … and that does affect your circadian rhythm,” MacLean replied. The astronauts’ sleep pattern “is driven by the rendezvous that we do with the station. That time is the key milestone and then we arrange our sleep schedules around that.” “But you can tell your son that sleeping in space is wonderful. We all sleep down on the main deck, some of us right side up, some of us are on the side and some of us are upside down. There’s more orientations up here, basically.”

Harper told MacLean that the country is proud of his achievements. “I’m sure it’s an adventure of a lifetime and … I expect your mission will inspire millions of Canadians, young people, and even some who are talking to you today to become interested in space and science and technology,” Harper said.

Harper wished MacLean well as the mission winds down. “I know you said … you wanted to bring home a gold medal for Canada, from everything I’ve seen on your performance yesterday, you are well on your way,” Harper said.

Canadian school children also got a chance to ask MacLean about his time aboard the shuttle.

MacLean walked in space on Wednesday. MacLean, with fellow Atlantis crew member Dan Burbank started their six-hour spacewalk at the international space station at 5:05 am ET. They are focusing their attention and tools on a ferris-wheel-like rotary joint that will allow two solar arrays, once unfurled, to always face the sun as the space station circles Earth. The solar arrays will supply a quarter of the space lab’s power when it is completed by 2010.

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Wikinews interviews Oceania Paralympic Committee President Paul Bird

Thursday, August 30, 2012

London, England — When Wikinews interviewed Oceania Paralympic Committee (OPC) President Paul Bird, the day before the start of this year’s Summer Paralympics, he shared the idea that whilst Oceania may not be the first place one thinks of in connection with “Paralympics” or even “developing countries”, Oceania is represented at the Games in London by athletes who have overcome many obstacles in order to compete.

According to Bird, two athletes from Oceania are regarded as medal prospects. One, Fijian high-jumper Iliesa Delana, missed out in Beijing due to his event being cancelled. He is currently ranked number two in the world, having won silver at the World Championships. The other is Francis Kompaon, a sprinter from Rabaul in Papua-New Guinea competing in the 100 and 200 metre sprints. These athletes qualified under the standard Paralympic processes. Other Oceania athletes are “wildcards”, selected by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) to broaden the number of nations taking part. Countries do not always get their preferred choices of wildcards; for a variety of reasons, the IPC may select a less-favoured athlete. In particular, women are more likely to be chosen to address the games’ gender imbalance.

It’s not easy being an athlete, or an official, from a developing country says Bird. Often people are confronted with a host of unfamiliar situations. For example: many of the required forms are now online; officials with little technology experience have to navigate an unfamiliar landscape of browsers, buttons and passwords.

The OPC consists of eight countries: Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, and Papua-New Guinea. Papua-New Guinea and Samoa are sending two athletes each to the London Games. Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu, and the Solomon Islands are sending one each.

Bird says, in attempting to promote Paralympic sport in Oceania, the region’s Paralympic Committee puts a priority on training local officials, coaches and classifiers. This helps member countries conduct their own events, without assistance from Australia and New Zealand. Additionally, the Committee organizes the Arafura Games, a regional competition.

Countries in the region are encouraged by the OPC to assemble teams, get athletes into work rankings, and plan ahead for the 2016 Paralympics to be held in Rio. Efforts are being made to strengthened ties between the region and international bodies such as the International Tennis Federation.

Bird, as head of the OPC, has been a member of the Australian Paralympic Committee since 1993. He won gold and silver medals in swimming at the 1984 Paralympics where he was the Australian Team Captain. He was the Australian Chef de Mission in Sydney in 2000 and Athens in 2004, and the Assistant Chef de Mission in Barcelona in 1992, Atlanta in 1996, and Beijing in 2008. He also currently sits on the Australian Paralympic Committee’s board.

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Yahoo’s new Internet ad sales system is a progress

Friday, January 26, 2007

The introduction by Yahoo Inc. of its new Internet ad sales system was successful. The company’s new feature may turn out to be very useful for Yahoo’s shares, since investors are betting on rapid growth of the company’s revenue.

When Yahoo stated that it will launch on February 5 a full version of its new system, entitled Panama, the company’s shares rose by 8 percent on Wednesday. The system, being introduced in the United States, will be launched a month earlier than Wall Street expected.

The ad system is to bring the company in closer league with the number one search engine Google Inc. Yahoo’s technology will permit various advertisers to pay for specific search terms, which are based on their popularity.

Panama will also help advertisers in targeting ads that are sent to a specific audience on the Internet. The system will allow rotating ads in accordance with their effectiveness. Google have been offering these features for several years.

Martin Pyykkonen, who is the analyst at Global Crown Capital, said that Yahoo was not as successful as Google but it still continues to strengthen its position as number 2. Although Google had a stronger software platform, Yahoo continues to register good results, which is worth something.

Pyykkonen also mentioned that he is not forecasting any shifting in wholesales, and especially a sudden fall of Google, but he is sure that Yahoo will not be far behind Google; in fact the company is to shorten the gap between the two.

The ability of Yahoo’s new system, to draw more ad dollars from customers, should boost the company’s growth in this year’s second half. Yahoo is also dealing with a potential drop in prices regarding its key branded advertising sales. This is due to the competition provided by MySpace.com and YouTube.

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Necessary Changes For Your Medical Office

byAlma Abell

The medical field is a highly competitive area and as a result, you should be doing everything possible to make your own office or medical establishment as competitive as possible. There are many ways to make your medical office more competitive, but not all options rank the same in terms of their effect.

If you’re truly looking to make your office more successful, below are a few of the best updates that you can make to your medical office that will make it much more competitive in the medical field. In addition, these changes are not very costly, which means that you’re making economical choices for a high return.

A New Advertising CampaignThe first step that you should take to improve the competitive of your medical office is to implement a new advertising campaign. With a stronger advertising campaign, you’ll be able to improve the visibility of your office and bring more people to your establishment. For the best advertising campaign out there, you should do the necessary research regarding marketing firms and then choose one with the best track record available. You can also look at customer testimonials to verify the stated success rate.

Answering SystemAnother type of change that you should make is to add physician answering services. With physician answering services in place, you can ensure that your customers are getting the highest quality customer service and at a minimal wait time. With better customer service in place, your medical establishment’s patients will feel much more pleased with your medical office and the customer service they are receiving.

In addition, since the answering system is run by experienced professionals, you can be certain that all of your patient’s needs will be met in an efficient and effective manner, no matter what the issue is.

Office UpdatesFinally, you may want to consider adding a few updates to your office. For example, you can revamp the entry area, chance the look of the office, and add credentials on the wall of the office if none are on there. By taking care of these features, your customers will feel more comfortable in your office space, which will prompt them to come back more frequently.

At No More Phone Tag, our professionals are able to provide patients with all of their customer concerns. Our dedicated professionals are experienced and provide the highest quality customer care so that your office features competitive customer service.